Are Metaframeworks Like NextJS The Future Of React & co?
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Show transcript
00:00:00: Are meta frameworks like Next, Remix,
00:00:04: AnalogJS or Nuxt, are those the future of
00:00:08: web development?
00:00:10: Should every web developer use those
00:00:13: meta frameworks and learn how to build
00:00:15: full stack applications with them?
00:00:18: Well, I think if you are working with
00:00:22: React or Angular or Vue, yes, you should
00:00:26: definitely learn those meta frameworks
00:00:29: because I believe they are the future of
00:00:33: React and Angular and so on.
00:00:35: Well, especially for React and I'll get back
00:00:37: to that in a second.
00:00:39: But I believe they are the future of those
00:00:43: frontend libraries and frameworks
00:00:46: because they solve an important
00:00:48: problem.
00:00:50: When we build a website, a web
00:00:52: application, we typically don't just need
00:00:55: a frontend, we also need a backend and
00:00:58: that of course has always been the case
00:01:00: and we were able to build websites and
00:01:04: web applications that have both a
00:01:06: frontend and a backend without those
00:01:09: meta frameworks as well, right?
00:01:11: I mean, you could simply build a
00:01:15: frontend single page application, for
00:01:17: example, with React and then connect
00:01:21: it, so to say, to a backend that's built with
00:01:24: Node and Express.
00:01:25: So you could build such a backend API,
00:01:28: typically a REST API, but could also be a
00:01:30: GraphQL API and then you could send
00:01:34: requests to that backend from inside the
00:01:38: frontend application, for example, with
00:01:41: help of React Query, which is a popular
00:01:44: library for doing that, or simply by using
00:01:47: the Fetch API inside of UseEffect, for
00:01:49: example, or in Angular by using
00:01:52: Angular's built-in HTTP client.
00:01:55: And then you could fetch data from the
00:01:58: backend or send data to that backend
00:02:01: and update the frontend UI accordingly
00:02:03: to, for example, show that data or if data
00:02:07: was sent to show a success message.
00:02:09: We don't need those meta frameworks
00:02:12: like Next for that.
00:02:21: That's absolutely not the case.
00:02:16: But those meta frameworks like Next or
00:02:20: Remix and so on can make building
00:02:23: complex full-stack applications, so
00:02:26: where you have both the frontend and
00:02:29: the backend, simply a bit easier and
00:02:32: solve certain problems.
00:02:34: And that's their huge advantage.
00:02:36: And they do make that easier and solve
00:02:39: certain problems by giving you a
00:02:42: seamless integration, by blending
00:02:46: frontend and backend code with each
00:02:48: other, so to say.
00:02:50: That can also lead to new problems
00:02:53: because as a developer, you should
00:02:56: absolutely understand where exactly the
00:02:59: border is between backend and
00:03:01: frontend code so that you make sure
00:03:03: that the wrong code doesn't end up on
00:03:06: the wrong end.
00:03:07: But mostly, it can help get rid of certain
00:03:11: problems or simply make it a bit easier
00:03:13: to write complex applications.
00:03:15: Because, for example, when you're
00:03:17: working with Next.js, but also with
00:03:19: Remix and so on, you can effectively
00:03:22: fetch data from right inside your React
00:03:26: component, for example.
00:03:28: Or with Remix, you would do it in a
00:03:31: separate function which is placed close
00:03:34: to your component typically, though.
00:03:36: You could fetch data from there and
00:03:39: then render your HTML code with help
00:03:43: of React that's already including that
00:03:46: fetched data.
00:03:47: And all that would happen on the server
00:03:49: and the advantage of that would be that
00:03:52: the user, the client, receives the finished
00:03:56: web page.
00:03:57: So it gets back a response from the
00:04:00: server that already contains all the
00:04:03: markup with all the content that's
00:04:06: needed for the page that was requested.
00:04:09: And that, for example, is great for search
00:04:12: engine optimization because those
00:04:14: search engine crawlers then also see all
00:04:19: the content and see the finished page.
00:04:21: Whereas with traditional single page
00:04:24: applications, that page that's coming
00:04:27: back from a server would typically be
00:04:30: empty and contain no content because
00:04:33: that content would have been fetched
00:04:36: from inside the browser with help of
00:04:38: client-side JavaScript code.
00:04:41: And whilst to the user that might not
00:04:44: make that much of a difference because
00:04:46: fetching that data often is pretty quick, it
00:04:49: still can because they might temporarily
00:04:52: see some loading spinner or some
00:04:55: progress bar whilst they're waiting for
00:04:57: the data.
00:04:58: So it can be annoying.
00:04:59: But what's even worse is that all those
00:05:02: search engine crawlers would see an
00:05:05: empty page.
00:05:06: And that can really hurt your search
00:05:09: rankings because to those crawlers, your
00:05:12: page doesn't have any content.
00:05:15: So that's one important problem that's,
00:05:18: for example, solved by that seamless
00:05:20: integration of frontend and backend and
00:05:24: by blending that code and blending
00:05:26: those two ends, so to say.
00:05:28: Another thing that can get easier and
00:05:31: possibly also more secure would be
00:05:34: authentication because we can, of
00:05:36: course, also authenticate users when
00:05:39: building separated frontends and
00:05:42: backends.
00:05:43: For example, with JSON web tokens,
00:05:45: that would be a popular approach.
00:05:48: But that approach also has certain
00:05:51: disadvantages.
00:05:53: For example, that those tokens are then
00:05:56: the only thing that identifies a user.
00:05:59: And if for some reason, such a token
00:06:02: would get stolen, if an attacker could get
00:06:06: hold of such a token of an authenticated
00:06:09: user, they could basically assume their
00:06:12: identity and then send requests on
00:06:16: behalf of that user.
00:06:17: Now, there are defense mechanisms
00:06:19: against that.
00:06:20: For example, those tokens are typically
00:06:23: short lived to make sure that if they do
00:06:26: get stolen, they are not available for a
00:06:29: long time period.
00:06:30: But still, it can be a problem.
00:06:33: And if you have a seamless integration,
00:06:36: implementing session based
00:06:38: authentication, where the
00:06:40: authentication status is stored on the
00:06:43: server instead of the client,
00:06:45: implementing that is easier.
00:06:48: And that can also add an extra layer of
00:06:51: security.
00:06:52: It can also be easier than implementing
00:06:54: authentication tokens, JSON web
00:06:57: tokens, and storing them on the client.
00:06:59: So that's another area where those meta
00:07:02: frameworks and that seamless
00:07:04: integration of backend and frontend can
00:07:07: potentially solve certain problems, or at
00:07:10: least make certain common things like
00:07:13: user authentication easier and
00:07:16: straightforward to implement.
00:07:18: And that, of course, can be a great thing.
00:07:21: There also is another advantage I see
00:07:23: when using such meta frameworks.
00:07:26: And that would be that since you are in
00:07:30: the end blending those ends, you can
00:07:33: still use all the knowledge you have
00:07:36: about React or Vue or Angular to render
00:07:40: the user interface.
00:07:41: And you can still add all that client side
00:07:43: interactivity you want to add.
00:07:45: Because the great thing about those
00:07:48: meta frameworks is that once they did
00:07:51: send back that first response that
00:07:54: contains all the content already, as I
00:07:56: described, once that happened, it's
00:07:59: again client side JavaScript that takes
00:08:02: over and in the end gives the user this
00:08:05: single page application experience
00:08:08: again, where everything on the page is
00:08:11: again updated by client side JavaScript
00:08:13: code.
00:08:14: And behind the scenes new data or new
00:08:17: HTML code is fetched from the backend.
00:08:21: But as a user of the website, you still
00:08:23: have all the instant transitions and the
00:08:26: great user experience you often get from
00:08:29: single page applications.
00:08:31: So you keep those advantages, but you
00:08:35: enrich them with more advantages.
00:08:38: And of course, since you have that
00:08:41: seamless integration, you do render all
00:08:44: the content that's being sent back from
00:08:47: the backend to the frontend on that first
00:08:49: request.
00:08:50: You do that all with the templating
00:08:53: language you already know and love.
00:08:56: So with JSX, for example, if you're using
00:08:59: React, you don't have to use a separate
00:09:04: templating language to dynamically
00:09:06: generate HTML code on the server.
00:09:10: And that is what you would typically do
00:09:12: when building backends that send back
00:09:16: HTML instead of just data without such a
00:09:19: meta framework.
00:09:20: If you would build a backend with, for
00:09:23: example, Node.js and Express, as many
00:09:28: companies still do it because it is a fine
00:09:30: way, then you would typically either
00:09:33: create an API, a REST API, for example,
00:09:37: that's then used by a separated
00:09:39: frontend.
00:09:40: But if you want to build an integrated
00:09:42: full stack application without such a
00:09:45: meta framework, you would typically do
00:09:48: that by using a templating engine on
00:09:51: the backend in that Node Express code.
00:09:54: And here you have popular options like
00:09:58: EJS or handlebars and so on.
00:10:01: But these are all separate templating
00:10:04: engines you have to learn so that you
00:10:07: understand how you can use them to
00:10:09: render the content you want to render.
00:10:11: So it's an extra thing to learn.
00:10:14: And then if you want to add client-side
00:10:16: interactivity, you have to add React or
00:10:20: Vue as an extra dependency to that
00:10:22: project and manually write all the code
00:10:26: that makes sure that it takes over once
00:10:29: the page has been loaded in the
00:10:31: browser of your visitor.
00:10:33: And you manually have to set up all the
00:10:36: extra API endpoints, which then could
00:10:39: be used by that frontend library if it
00:10:43: wants to fetch or send new data after
00:10:46: that initial first page load.
00:10:48: So that would be more complex than
00:10:50: using such a meta framework.
00:10:52: And for all those reasons, I think that if
00:10:55: you want to build a full stack application
00:10:58: that has all the advantages you know
00:11:01: from working with React or Angular or
00:11:04: Node, if you want to do that, then
00:11:07: picking up such a meta framework is
00:11:10: really important and a good idea.
00:11:13: Now, it's also worth noting, though, that
00:11:15: we're still in the early days of this entire
00:11:19: development and evolution of frontend
00:11:23: web development, if you want to call it
00:11:25: like that.
00:11:26: Of course, Next.js, for example, which is
00:11:29: arguably the most important and
00:11:32: popular meta framework for React, has
00:11:36: already been around for many years, but
00:11:38: it's only been recently for one and a half
00:11:41: years or probably two years now that
00:11:46: they really moved quickly towards that
00:11:49: integrated approach and towards a
00:11:52: world where the frontend and backend
00:11:55: code blend together and blend into
00:11:58: each other, so to say.
00:11:59: That's a relatively new development.
00:12:02: And it is a development which we now
00:12:04: see in other meta frameworks as well.
00:12:08: But it's still pretty new and therefore, of
00:12:10: course, there still are some rough edges
00:12:14: and some new patterns to be learned
00:12:17: and some things to be understood to, for
00:12:20: example, make sure, as I mentioned
00:12:22: before, that your code doesn't end up on
00:12:25: the wrong end and you're getting
00:12:27: strange bugs or you're exposing data in
00:12:31: places where it shouldn't be exposed.
00:12:33: So there also are pitfalls related to that,
00:12:37: also because it is so new.
00:12:39: But ultimately, as always in the world of
00:12:43: programming, things will, of course,
00:12:45: become better and smoother and
00:12:48: patterns will emerge and certain
00:12:50: problems will disappear.
00:12:52: Well, and I guess new problems will
00:12:53: appear, but you get my point.
00:12:56: I think we're definitely heading towards
00:12:59: such a world where those meta
00:13:01: frameworks will be super important,
00:13:04: though I will also say that this is still just
00:13:07: one area of web development.
00:13:11: We absolutely still have those separated
00:13:15: frontend and backend applications and
00:13:18: we absolutely still have full stack
00:13:21: applications where HTML code is
00:13:24: rendered on the server with help of
00:13:26: templating engines like EJS or, for
00:13:29: example, in PHP-based backends with
00:13:33: Laravel's Blade engine.
00:13:36: So we definitely have those applications
00:13:38: as well and actually those websites and
00:13:41: applications are the majority.
00:13:44: So it's always important to keep in mind
00:13:46: that we're in a niche here, nonetheless in
00:13:50: an important niche, which I believe will
00:13:53: grow because it offers certain
00:13:55: advantages.
00:13:57: And the advantage is that we have the
00:13:58: best of both worlds, that single page
00:14:02: application experience, the great user
00:14:04: experience offered by that, combined
00:14:07: with all the advantages of rendering
00:14:09: content on the server and having such
00:14:11: full stack applications.
00:14:15: Now, as mentioned, Next.js is arguably
00:14:18: the most popular and important meta
00:14:20: framework, but for React we, for
00:14:23: example, also have Remix, which is a
00:14:26: competitor to Next.js, if you want to call
00:14:28: it like this, which is also growing in
00:14:31: popularity and becoming more and
00:14:32: more important and which offers, in my
00:14:36: opinion, certain advantages over Next.js,
00:14:39: though that probably would be a topic
00:14:42: for a separate episode or video.
00:14:45: Nonetheless, you have these two options
00:14:47: and if you are working with React, I
00:14:51: would simply recommend that you take
00:14:52: a look at both meta frameworks and you
00:14:55: go through their quick start guides to
00:14:58: see which one you like the most, for
00:15:00: example.
00:15:01: Now, if you're an Angular developer,
00:15:04: there are less choices.
00:15:06: Here you basically have analog.js and
00:15:09: this is a project which, as far as I can tell,
00:15:13: is a bit less mature than Next.js or
00:15:17: Remix.
00:15:17: It doesn't have the same set of features
00:15:20: and it has certain limitations, also
00:15:23: because it's mainly developed by just
00:15:25: one person.
00:15:26: Though I believe that meta frameworks
00:15:29: will be and will mostly become so
00:15:33: important that we'll see more
00:15:35: development in that area in the Angular
00:15:38: world as well.
00:15:40: Maybe because the Angular team
00:15:42: makes analog.js or something like that
00:15:45: an official extension of the Angular
00:15:49: framework, so we might see more
00:15:51: development because of that or
00:15:53: because more community projects
00:15:55: come up.
00:15:56: Now, if you're a Vue developer, things are
00:15:59: actually different because there we do
00:16:01: have a very popular and successful meta
00:16:05: framework called Next.js and it's been
00:16:08: around since 2017, I think, so it's really
00:16:11: old by now but of course it has also
00:16:14: evolved over all that time and I would
00:16:17: say it's pretty comparable to Next.js
00:16:20: regarding its maturity, for example.
00:16:23: Now, it works differently but the main
00:16:26: idea is the same, that you can build
00:16:28: full-stack applications with Vue and that
00:16:31: you can blend back-end and front-end
00:16:33: and it has many features that help you
00:16:36: with that and that help you with
00:16:38: building complex and user-friendly web
00:16:42: applications and websites in general.
00:16:45: And therefore, as web developers, we
00:16:48: now essentially have one additional
00:16:50: option where besides traditional
00:16:54: full-stack applications where we, for
00:16:57: example, use Node, Express and then a
00:16:59: templating engine like EJS or separated
00:17:03: front-ends and back-ends, we now also
00:17:05: have that very intriguing option of
00:17:08: building full-stack applications where
00:17:11: we get the best of both worlds by
00:17:13: seamlessly integrating and blending
00:17:16: front-end and back-end with those meta
00:17:19: frameworks.
00:17:20: And of course, we have those rough
00:17:22: edges you should be aware of and you
00:17:25: should expect but those will absolutely
00:17:28: become smoother in the future and
00:17:31: therefore, I'm convinced that every
00:17:34: React, Angular or Vue developer should
00:17:37: also at least take a look at those meta
00:17:40: frameworks.
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